Neuroscan - EEG ERP EP

Neuroscan - EEG ERP EP

Neuroscan provides state of the art systems for the acquisition and analysis of EEG and ERP data. Neuroscan has developed multiple hardware and software systems that combine to build the ideal platform for a particular area of research. Because of this...
Electrode Arrays

Electrode Arrays

Gel based Electrode Arrays are offered in two shell materials Neoprene (the Quik-Cap Neo Net Electrode Array) and a Silicone (the Quik-Cap Silicone Electrode Array).
SynAmps RT

SynAmps RT

Using the past two decades of expe­ri­ence and the best avail­able tech­nol­ogy, Compumedics Neuroscan is pleased to offer the SynAmps RT to the Neuro­science commu­nity. The SynAmps RT is our most advanced and versa­tile ampli­fier, capa­ble of record...


CURRY integrates multiple complementary functional and imagemodalities (EEG, ECoG, MEG; MRI, fMRI, PET, SPECT and CT) in a single software package for the purpose of obtaining the maximum accuracy of electrical source analysis. CURRY uses the full physical...
Grael 4K EEG

Grael 4K EEG

A DC-coupled, digital amplifier system with a high input range and 24-bit resolution providing amplification and digitization of Electroencephalographic physiologic signals from surface, cortical and depth electrodes. The amplifier provides 40 channel...


Neuroscan is pleased to announce the patented MagLink RT system for integrated EEG and ERP recordings inside the fMRI.


Quik-Caps (EEG) – Compumedics Neuroscan offers a variety of Quik-Caps to provide speedy, consistent application of up to 256 electrodes. Quick-Caps are manufactured of highly elastic breathable Lycra material with soft neoprene electrode gel reservoirs f...